Momok The Movie (2009) DVDRip

Momok The Movie (2009) DVDRipMomok The Movie (2009) DVDRip

Synopsis in comments...


Zul said...

Adlin yang bekerja di Bintulu, Sarawak, pulang ke kampungnya untuk bercuti. Seperti biasa, setiap kali pulang ke kampung, Adlin akan bertandang ke Warung Pak Ajis untuk menikmati Mee Calong dan bersembang kosong. Kepulangannya kali ini untuk bertemu ibunya Mak Ton, adiknya Isham dan Esah setelah berada enam bulan di Bintulu telah membawa satu pengalaman yang tidak akan dilupakan oleh beliau sepanjang hayatnya.Bersama, Kadir, teman sekampungnya, Adlin telah ke warung Pak Ajis. Malam tersebut, selesai solat berjemaah di surau, Adlin dan Kadir ke warung Pak Ajis. Pelbagai insiden dan petanda yang seolah-olah menunjukkan sesuatu yang tidak baik akan berlaku. Setelah sampai di warung Pak Ajis yang terletak di tepi tebing sungai di hujung kampung, seperti biasa mereka mula bersembang sehinggalah kepada cerita mengenai kisah-kisah seram. Pak Ajis, Adlin dan Kadir juga mendapat teman bercerita, Noniswara, gadis India pekerja kilang yang di ganggu peristiwa seram menaiki bas tanpa pemandu ketika pulang dari kerja pada malam tersebut.

Zul said...

Synopsis [English]:
Adlin works ini Bintulu, Sarawak, he goes back to his village in Termeloh and he sees a strange event when a funeral possession crosses the road towards the cemetery and the faces of the people that are carrying the coffin change to zombies carrying the coffin
That night after the prayers, he and his friend Kadir walk to his favorite street side stall “Warung Pak Ajis” to hang out with his friends and eat Mee Calong .
With his friend Kadir, Adlin the y stop over at the street side food stall .and the situation in the street stall is grim and not as joyful as before and he wonders why the signs and incidents that are accumulating to some supernatural encounter....
Pak Ajis, Adlin dan Kadir Noniswara a indian girl who works in a factory close by start telling ghost stories that seem to be a trade mark in that stall.
Stories of Pontianak( a vampire that wreaks revenge on the man that made her pregnant and dies during the pregnancy), Pochong( the ghost that leaps and follows unsuspected victims ),Mohini”/Chandra Murke – Legendary Indian ghost , the ghost that wakes up after a black cat crosses its body.
This are the stories that are told by our four narrators who spin the tale with mix of individual creativity and reality.

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